Our team worked with the Town and M.D. of Pincher Creek to develop a regional recreation master plan. The master planning process occurred entirely under COVID-19 conditions and strongly engaged residents and stakeholders through innovative engagement techniques. Detailed analysis was also completed to identify current gaps in service as well as future needs and priorities. Order of magnitude costing was utilized to provide a framework for future investment in recreation, parks, and culture in the region.
The engagement process collected high-quality input from over 700 people.
A comprehensive needs assessment was completed that described the need for recreation and culture facilities and indoor/outdoor programs. The needs were prioritized using multiple supporting indicators, such as community engagement, current facility demand, projected facility demand, comparator benchmarks, growth projections and trends.
The master plan provides an overarching vision and direction for the region with strong alignment to economic, community, tourism, and environmental development initiatives.
Tourism is the fastest growing industry in this picturesque region and was considered throughout the project and featured highly in the vision, recommendations, and overall focus areas of the plan. Recommendations were provided regarding outdoor experiences, downtown revitalization, cultural tourism, sport tourism, and opportunities for partnerships with regional attractions.
Photo Credits: Travel Alberta (Above), Town of Pincher Creek (Left)